2016年5月30日 星期一


1 nprEd, How Textbooks Can Teach Different Versions of History, npr, July 13, 2015, http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2015/07/13/421744763/how-textbooks-can-teach-different-versions-of-history (last visited May 07, 2016).
2 Cameron Reilly, Top 10 Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes, August 16, 2012, http://napoleonbonapartepodcast.com/2012/08/16/top-10-napoleon-bonaparte-quotes/ (last visited May 07, 2016 (“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”).
3 Brainy Quotes, Mark Twain Quotes, http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/marktwain105745.html(last visited May 07, 2016) (“The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.”).
4 Stanford History Education Group, History of SHEG, https://sheg.stanford.edu/history-sheg (last visited May 07, 2016).
5 Temple University Press, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past, 2015, http://www.temple.edu/tempress/titles/1518_reg.html (last visited May 07, 2016).
6 Teachinghistory.org, What is Historical Thinking, National History Education Clearinghouse, http://teachinghistory.org/system/files/historical_thinking.pdf (last visited May 07, 2016).
7 San Wineburg, Why Historical Thinking Matters, http://historicalthinkingmatters.org/why/ (last visited May 07, 2016).
8 Steven Gunn, What Makes a Good Historian, November 11, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIDiNJ6x_74 (last visited May 07, 2016).
9 Stanford History Education Group, Reading Like a Historian, Stanford University, https://sheg.stanford.edu/what-is-history-poster (last visited May 07, 2016).
10Id., at https://sheg.stanford.edu/intro-materials (last visited May 07, 2016).
11Id., at https://sheg.stanford.edu/snapshot-autobiography (last visited May 07, 2016).
12Id., at https://sheg.stanford.edu/evaluating-sources (last visited May 07, 2016).
13Id., at https://sheg.stanford.edu/lunchroom-fight (last visited May 07, 2016).
14Id., at https://sheg.stanford.edu/evaluating-sources (last visited May 07, 2016).
15Stanford History Education Group, supra note 9.
16Id. at https://sheg.stanford.edu/contextualization-poster (last visited May 07, 2016).
17Stanford History Education Group, supra note 9.
18Id. at https://sheg.stanford.edu/make-your-case (last visited May 07, 2016).
19Stanford History Education Group, supra note 9.
20Id. at https://sheg.stanford.edu/close-reading-poster (last visited May 07, 2016).
21Stanford History Education Group, supra note 9.
22伊人,日本抗議習近平南京大屠殺發言,BBC中文網,2014330日, http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/world/2014/03/140330_japan_china_protest(最後瀏覽日:2015731日)。
23大井真理子,我看中日「缺失的歷史」,BBC中文網,2014214日, http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/indepth/2014/02/140214_mariko_haining_japanchina#orb-footer(最後瀏覽日:2015731日)。
24Stanford History Education Group, Reading Like a Historian: Nanking Lesson Plan, Stanford University, http://sheg.stanford.edu/upload/V3LessonPlans/nanking%20lesson%20plan_0.pdf (last visited July 31, 2015).
27吳媛媛,我們都把課綱想簡單了,福利政策的反思系列二(), 天下雜誌,2015610日,http://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/320/article/2942(最後瀏覽日:201657日)。
38Ulrike Grübler & Michael Schidler, European Parliament Votes for Compulsory “Made in...” Labels, Baid & Bird, April 27, 2014, http://www.twobirds.com/en/news/articles/2014/global/european-parliament-votes-for-compulsory-made-in-labels  (last visited May  07, 2016) (Looking back in history the "Made in …" slogans were not necessarily meant to serve as a marketing tool. The slogan "Made in Germany" for example was introduced by the British Merchandise Marks Act in 1887. Back then, Britain feared cheap continental imitations of Sheffield cutlery that flooded the market and wanted non-British products to be labelled.”).
39騰訊財經特約自媒體首席品牌官ID: pinpaimima,只有八千萬人口的德國  為何有兩千多個世界名牌,騰訊財經,20151216日,http://finance.qq.com/a/20151216/016695.htm(最後瀏覽日:2016507日)。

