2016年5月30日 星期一


1 Donald J. Kochan, While Effusive, “Conclusory” Is Still Quite Elusive: The Story of a Word, Iqbal, and a Perplexing Lexical Inquiry of Supreme Importance, 73 U. Pitt. L.Rew, 211, 218 (2011) (“We know a few general things about the word “conclusory” from our ordinary experiences with it. I posit that “conclusory” means, in its broadest sense, something approaching a very general idea of “a statement or inference without support” of one kind or another. Conclusory claims are sometimes called ipse dixit7 —something with no support other than that it is said. As such, it is a modifier that oozes with the stain of poor quality, especially in the law. It is a pejorative term, evincing scorn for an argument like a scarlet letter, and is generally a label of unworthiness in an occupation that requires reasoned argument with support and persuasion. “Conclusory” is a wonderful word for describing that which is not good, whether it be in writing, speaking, judging, or pleading. We know that it is a tag to avoid and something we hope our work product is not called, but this article will explain that it is sometimes difficult to know exactly how to escape such negative branding of our work.”).
2 Center for Faculty Excellence, Donald Hornstein 4: Identifying fact patternsUniversity of North Carolina School of LawJune 21, 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lptYM-yM7y4 (last visited May 09, 2016).
3 光滑平面上,有一質量10kg的物體,受到一水平作用獲得4m/s2的加速度,試求該水平力的大小?F= ma, F= 10kg x 4m/s2 = 40kg m/s2 = 40 N。
4 羅振宇,沒啥不能沒知識,羅輯思維,2015821日,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chJHzcqeiuI(最後瀏覽日:201663日)。
5 同上。
6 徐珮君、劉冠廷,馬習會誰提的 10月夏張會時張志軍提出的,蘋果日報,2015114日,http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151104/725738/ (最後瀏覽日:201659日);郭玫君、李仲維,馬習會解密/那一夜  夏立言苦等一則簡訊,聯合新聞網,20151218日,http://udn.com/news/story/8935/1385563-%E9%A6%AC%E7%BF%92%E6%9C%83%E8%A7%A3%E5%AF%86%EF%BC%8F%E9%82%A3%E4%B8%80%E5%A4%9C-%E5%A4%8F%E7%AB%8B%E8%A8%80%E8%8B%A6%E7%AD%89%E4%B8%80%E5%89%87%E7%B0%A1%E8%A8%8A(最後瀏覽日:201659日)。
7 蔣金,密使到領導人會晤  兩岸政治一頁滄桑史,20151015,端傳媒,https://theinitium.com/article/20151105-taiwan-Ma-Ying-jeou-Xi-Jin-ping-history/ (最後瀏覽日:2016510);陳志賢,新黨立委控告蘇志誠、鄭淑敏涉洩密、違反國安法,中國時報,2000721日;大紀元,兩岸密使開庭蘇志誠被傳訊,2001313日,http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/1/3/13/n57386.htm (最後瀏覽日:201659日)。
8 蔣金,註7
9 林淑玲,曾派密使  阿輝伯忘了,中國時報,2005422日。
10顏振凱、晏明強,新書揭當年祕辛 心腹爆料 扁派密使赴中 盼出席APEC遭拒 藍批「兩面手法」,蘋果日報,2010828http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/forum/20100828/32771553/ (最後瀏覽日:201659日)
11黃丞儀,關於立法院應即彈劾馬總統的十項說明,蘋果日報,2015116日,http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151106/727131/ (最後瀏覽日:201659日)
12US-China Institute, Getting To Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret 1971 Trip, University of Southern California , July 21, 2011, http://china.usc.edu/getting-beijing-henry-kissingers-secret-1971-trip (last visited May 09, 2016).
13沃倫·科恩Warren I. Cohen),尼克森在中國:世界史上的一個轉捩點,eJournal USAhttp://www.ait.org.tw/infousa/zhtw/E-JOURNAL/EJ_ForEvents/cohen.htm(最後瀏覽日:201657日)。
14US-China Institute, supra note 12.
18張筱笛、陳伃軒、林惠琴,落實轉型正義  立委推廢紅十字會法,自由時報,2016223日,http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/paper/960768 (最後瀏覽日:201663日)。
19陳信聰臉書,2016527日;即時新聞/綜合報導,律師指六億元捐款憑空消失 紅十字會:衛福部誤植,自由時報,201662日。

