2011年8月1日 星期一


下列一般規定適用於各位的討論。各位必須遵守下列規定,才能合法定案。These are some general rules that apply to your discussion. You must follow these rules in order to return a lawful verdict:

1. 各位必須遵守指引中提供的法律。各位若未遵守法律,所作的定案無法實現正義。本案中,沒有任何不遵守法律的理由。我們全體依賴各位作出智慧和合法的決定。
You must follow the law as it is set out in these instructions. If you fail to follow the law, your verdict will be a miscarriage of justice. There is no reason for failing to follow the law in this case. All of us are dependeing upon your to make wise and legal decision in this matter.

2. 本案只能根據證人作證時各位所聽到的證據(和看到的證物),以及提供的陪審團指引,作出決定。
This case must be decided only upon the evidence that you have heard from the testimony of the witness [and have seen in the form of the exhibits in evidence] and these instructions.

3. 各位不能因為覺得那個人可憐,或那個人讓各位生氣,作為決定本案的根據。
This case must not be decided for or against anyone because you feel sorry for anyone, or are angry at anyone.

4. 記住,不是律師在受審。各位對律師的好惡或感覺,不能影響各位的決定。
Remember, the lawyers are not on trial. Your feelings about them should not influence your decision in this case.

5. 各位的職責是決定被告是否依法被證明有罪或無罪。若證明被告有罪,決定被告的刑期是法官的職責。
Your duty is to determine if the defendant has been proven guilty or not, in accord with the law. It is the judge’s job to determine a proper sentence if the defendant is found guilty.

6. 無論如何定案,各位的決定必須一致。亦即每一位陪審員必須同意相同的定案。
Whatever verdict you render must be unanimous, that is, each juror must agree to the same verdict.

7. 各位作出的定案不能受到偏見、偏執、或同情的情緒影響。各位必須根據證據和指引內的法律作出定案。
Your verdict should not be influenced by feelings of prejudice, bias, or sympathy. Your verdict must be based on the evidence, and on the law contained in these instructions.

